Standard Thermocouple Connectors rated to 220°C
These round pin standard connectors are ideal for connecting thermocouple sensors and extension or compensating cable to each other. The pins are polarised to avoid an incorrect connection and the connector body is additionally marked for polarity. They are rated for use between -50°C and +220°C. In addition to offering a plug and socket, panel sockets and panel blanking sockets are also available. Panel blanking sockets are useful for when using a panel with less connectors than cut-outs, to avoid having an empty slot. Matching anodised aluminium connector panels can also be found in this section. Weatherproof silicone rubber boots are also available for added protection in moist environments as well as cable clamps.
- Body: Thermoplastic compound rated -50°C to +220°C
- Suitable for 0.2mm up to 2.0mm dia wire diameters
- Colour coded to IEC 60584-3 : 2007 Type K - Green, Type T - Brown,
Type J - Black, Type N - Pink, Type RCB/SCB - Orange and Copper - White
- Dimensions: Plug 35x25x12.5mm (LxWxD) with 15mm long round pins.
Socket 35x25x12.5mm (LxWxD). Panel socket is typically 27x25x12.5mm (LxWxD) and panel blanking socket 16x25x12.5mm (LxWxD) with front bezel 42x19mm supplied with bracket for attachment to panel
- Cable clamps and weatherproof silicone rubber boots offered as options but cannot be used at the same time
- Manufactured by the TC Group
The following types are available: